Bft was founded in 1967 as a company that developed and produced gear. In 1981, thanks to the experience of the mechanical side, Bft start to make the gate automations.
For more then 30 years BFT has been a major player in the industry of Home Access Automation, Building Access Automation, Urban Access Automation.
BFT creates solutions that meet every need in terms of automation and guarantees the highest levels of comfort, security and reliability under the banner of innovation, energy and flexibility.

A company’s vital statistics provide an effective summary of its history. They speak for themselves.
♦ 124 million Euro target turnover for 2018
♦ 490 employees in Italy and abroad
♦ 530 distributors in more than 120 countries worldwide
♦ 35.000 m² area headquarters and plant in Schio
♦ 20 branches abroad, 1 representative offices in Russia
♦ From 2004 BFT is a company of Somfy Group.

Website: bft-automation.com